Friday, March 26, 2010

Wake up America! Welcome to the gates of Hell.

Please watch this short video. You will get an idea of how this bill has screwed every American. It is time to fight with our votes. Let your voice be heard. Start talking to everyone. Don't let down, don't sit back, don't give up, don't give up!!

You may ask, "what does this have to do with our food?" Well I will tell you, EVERYTHING! Do you like to have choice? Do you want to determine the details of your life? You just lost about 90% of that last Sunday. This bill gives people who don't give a s@#t about you or me the power to effect your life at a very deep and fundamental way. So what do you think about the "Fundamental changing of America" now? Do you realize that when these neophyte marxist sell outs get finished you'll be lucky to have a nickels worth of change. They will take all that is dear to us in the name of redistribution. Wake up America! We are standing at the gates of Hell! Do you smell the smoke? Do you feel the heat of slavery?

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