Sunday, September 6, 2009

Who's the WHO?

So who is the WHO? I am not going to attempt to answer that because of its complexity. What I am going to tell you is that the WHO stands for the world health organization. They appear to be a just a watch dog kind of entity but this is an organization wolf in sheep's clothing. Its part of the global regime. Below I have included an article from Mercola and the links to WHO's website. Tell me what you think? Do you think that vaccines are being used as a vehicle to start a global pandemic? After the article I have enclosed another video that attacks Baxter (big pharm corp) for two "accidents" with live flu strains being found in their vaccines. Study Decide and Act. No more fence sitting people. We have to mobilize and do it quickly.

Here is the article in question on the WHO's website

Here is Mercola's article about the WHO

Please pay close attention to the first video around the 6min 39sec mark. Dr. Horowitz talks about "priming". This is the process where live strains of a particular virus are released into farms or the public to destroy competition in the food industry or to bolster support and money for vaccines.

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