Saturday, March 7, 2009

Destroy Monsanto and the like..

Hey Freedom Fighters,

Monsanto, Tyson's, Car-gill, Con-Agra and the like are at it again. This video should make your stomach churn and a cold sweat break out on your body. There is a bill in the House to take away your freedom to eat what the hell you want to eat. I am spitting mad! I am ready to do what ever it takes to insure the freedoms that our fore fathers died to protect. This is worse than any type of tyranny that existed in Europe. This is sadistic control of YOU! WAKE UP! This is more serious than the damn economy. This is more serious than the threat of Globalization. This is the very vehicle that is going to be used to control all of man and woman kind. This is the ground work to world domination. Please don't dismiss that last statement. Think about it. If you control the food you control the people. We can live without money. We can live without oil. We can live they way we did for over four thousand years. We can grow it ourselves. But what if it becomes illegal? What will we do then? Go to jail because we grew some tomatoes in our back yard? Please! Get involved!

Here is a link of the Bill HR875 Please read it and get familiar with it.